Monday, May 5, 2014

May 5, 2014 Assignment

Good afternoon, Jasztalvillians!
You have a few different assignments this afternoon. First, you will get acclimated with middle school math. Afterward, you will learn a great deal about the spheres of the Earth-- the hydrosphere, atmosphere, geosphere, cryosphere, and biosphere.

Math Challenges:: You will be given 40 minutes; try to visit them all::

  • You will continue learning about ratios and how perfectly they "fit" in the family of fractions, decimals, and percents as well as algebra. They also relate to proportions. At Scholastic Study Jams, there are tutorials for both. Click here to view the lesson about ratios. You will then go to the lesson about proportions here.
  • You will go to Arcademics and play "Dirt Bike Proportions", which is pretty much finding equivalent fractions. Click here. You can play the game a few times. Please do not worry about whom you play against. Do not waste time, please, in that sense.
  • You will also visit a site called Math Live here. Go to the bottom left where it says "Lessons". I then want you to find the lesson called "Triangles". In this tutorial, you will be classifying them.
  • From there, you will proceed to a tutorial about using protractors. Click here. This relates to triangles because one can measure the interior angles to discover complimentary and supplementary angles. You get to watch animations and "use" a protractor as well to "measure" the angles in a quadrilateral (four-sided figure).
  • There is one more game-- Alien Angles. Read the directions when visiting this site, please. Click here to play.


  • :: Then start science on the computer. You have a poster that you can keep in poster form, or you can fold it into a book with a front and back cover as well as two inner pages. You must write about the five spheres on your poster/in your booklet.
    You can conduct a Google search to find the information, but here are some links to help you.
  • Geography4Kids:: Covers a lot of information! AWESOME site to garner tons of neat facts for your poster or booklet.
  • GREAT site about all spheres!
  • Cryosphere from National Geographic
  • Atmosphere from
  • The Hydrosphere